Jy moet in jyou PAT die volgende bespreek as jy die rol van die gebruikers van jou program beplan:
Dui aan WIE die gebruikers is.
Rol, aktiwiteit en beperkings van elke gebruiker
(In tabelformaat of ‘n gebruiksgevaldiagram)
Die volgende forum het 'n paar ander tipe gebruikers as die normale Admin en Gebruiker wat almal in hulle PATS gebruik:
Die volgende uittreksel kom uit die forum:
Authenticated User - your use of logged in in implies supplying some sort of credentials.
Identified User - implies you know who there are based on the login information.
Verified User - implies some checking of credentials and known information.
Known User - a direct Antonym of Anonymous.
Other possibilities are the opposite of Anonymous, the thesaurus is a good place to start looking for names, they usually provide great semantically more relevant synonyms, but also a good choice of antonyms.
Also it is implied that Moderator and Admin are logged in, and technically sub-roles of your logged in state user.
NOTE: The Antonym of Visitor is Host.
Hierdie is bietjie uit-die-boks voorbeelde van andergebruikers wat jy dalk in jou program kan implimenteer.